Cat Day!

Japan is celebrating its 27th annual Cat Day today, also known as Nyan Nyan Nyan day!

Why Nyan? 

In English, we describe the noise cats make as "meow," but in Japanese it's "nyan." (If you've ever seen the "Nyan cat" video, that's how it gots its name.) The word in Japanese for the number two is pronounced "ni," which apparently sounds close enough to nyan that Feb. 22 (written 22/2 in Japan) could be called nyan nyan nyan. In other words, today's day sounds kind of like "meow meow meow" in Japanese.

Other than posting pictures and videos of your feline friend, there's not "much" going on with this day. Surprisingly, now that Valentine is long gone, I heard Goncharoff had made a special kind of chocolate candy box for that day only. 

Is it a mere coincidence they would involve two holidays in one? I think not!

1 comment:

BeyondKawaii said...

Oh man, this sounds like an awesome holiday! I wish I'd known about it during January. >_<

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